Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ecuador 7

Amazon there and back again this week. Here's some of the food I had along the way.

Mami sent me off right with a proper breakfast; Humitas y Huevos. Humitas are like tamales, only slightly sweetet - imagine a dense cornbread.

We stopped at a military base for lunch. Apparently they eat well. Carne con Menestra, Papa, Arroz y Ensaladas. (steak with bean stew, rice and potato (of course) and salads of carrot, beats and cucumber)

For dinner I had Ceviche de Camarones, and although I'm pretty sure the base was made out of ketchup, it was pretty good nonetheless.

I found some street food for lunch the next day in Macas. Here is Encebollado, which is a hot, spicy and tangy tomato and onion stew with potato flakes and chunks of pescado (fish). You eat it with limon, popcorn and chifles (plantain chips).

Dinner that night was in the jungle, but by no means rouging it. Smoked pork with spears of deep fried yucca which are like the best french fries you've ever had. Also an avacado and tomato salad- all served on a banana leaf.
Lunch the next day was a ham sandwhich and fruit on a banana leaf, and the next day was pasta and fried plantains on a banana leaf. I just think it's cool to serve stuff on a banana leaf.

After returning to Macas from the Jungle, I had one of my rare cravings for red meat and found a nice bar that had Carne a la plancha (grilled steak) and Yuccas Fritas for only $4. Cannot beat that.

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